macOS Mac App Store Refund in 6 Steps: How to Get a Refund for any macOS App How to get a refund for Mac App Store purchases and in-app purchases isn't clear, but it is possible within 2-7 days! If you have a problem with a Mac app you purchased from the Mac App Store, you can request a refund directly from Apple. You need
Cocoapods CocoaPods Tutorial for Beginners in Xcode 9 and Swift 4 Follow along with a CocoaPods tutorial that will show you how to setup Cocoapods for the first time using Xcode 9 and Swift 4. What are CocoaPods? Cocoapods is a system that helps you create the Xcode project (Workspace) that can include other open source Swift and Objective-C projects (Networking,
Auto Layout 7 Ways to Add Auto Layout Constraints Using the Storyboard in Xcode 9 Learn how to quickly add the constraints you need using 7 different techniques design for both Trackpad and mouse users. It's one thing to understand the principles behind Auto Layout, and it's another to actually use Auto Layout. Uses these 7 ways will help you prevent
Auto Layout Auto Layout Tutorial for Beginners with Xcode 9 and iOS 11 What is Auto Layout? Auto Layout is a tool from Apple that enables you to create user interfaces that adapt to the different screen sizes of iPhone and iPad devices (and Mac too!). It's like responsive web design, but it provides more control (and dynamic behaviors). You use